4 Best Period Apps For Tracking Your Flow And Calculating Ovulation
Having a period is something that will be a part of women’s lives for approximately 40 years. In the United States, most girls begin menstruating when they are around 12 or 13 years old, and around age 50 menopause starts. Since it’s such a big part of being a woman, feminine hygiene product companies have made the lives of many women easier with convenient products. Tampons and pads can cost women approximately $3,072.30 over a lifetime, based on raw estimates.
With technology changing daily, cellphone companies and developers have also evolved to ease and change the way women manage their menstrual cycle. The days are long gone where a women would write her expected period date on her calendar in order to calculate the best days of the month to try and get pregnant. Now there’s an app that will take care of that for you. Below are some of the most convenient and useful apps for managing your menstrual cycle:
1. Clue
This is a standard one that most women should have in order to prevent those accidents. It’s come a long way from those boring apps. This app is user-friendly and clean-looking. Clue reminds you two days before your anticipated period. The company says that the more you use it, the more accurate it gets because it uses an algorithm. Clue also answers questions like: Is my cycle normal? When can I get pregnant? What is PMS?
2. Monthly Cycle
If you’re looking for something cute and fun, then this might be the app for you. You can personalize it with different themes. It also allows you to track your weight and PMS symptoms like tender breasts, acne, back pain, cramps, and headaches. Monthly cycle also allows you to export your data.
3 Fertility Friend
Looking to expand your family? This app can help with that. It helps by charting your cycle with a color-coded graph, then predict the days you’re most fertile based on your body temperate and cervical condition. It also comes with educational videos, tutorials, quizzes, and eBook. So far, the app boasts over 650,000 women who have gotten pregnant.
4. My Pill
This is perfect for those forgetful women who might sometimes skip a pill or two. The app lets you select what type of oral contraception you’re on, and an alert will start when it’s time to take your pill. It also tracks your history, has a planner so you’ll know when it’s time to go pick up your next prescription, and it helps to track your period.