Eight Medical Reasons Why You May Be Always Angry

It is perfectly normal for an individual to display anger. Anger is a healthy emotion, however if you find yourself more angry than not it could be due to certain conditions or medicines.
According to Dr. Helen Stokes-Lampard of the Royal College of General Practitioners, speaking to the Daily Mail, there are a number of medical conditions and medicines that has been reported to an increase in anger among individuals.
Here are a few conditions that can intensify your anger:
Overactive thyroid, also known as hyperthyroidism, is a condition that is much more common in women. Hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone. It can also be the reason you are consistently shouting at your children and significant others. According to Dr. Neil Gittoes, an endocrinologist at University Hospitals Birmingham and BMI the Priory Hospital, Birmingham, the thyroid hormone affects everything that has to do with your metabolism. It also can increase your restlessness, nervousness and can cause difficulty concentrating.
High Cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in America. However, statins which are widely prescribed for high cholesterol can also lead to someone losing their temper. In a study conducted by the University of California researchers found that statins are linked to lower levels of serotonin, which can lead to an increase in depression and anger.
Diabetes, affects nearly more than 20 million people in America. Not receiving the adequate amount of blood sugar can also increase one's anger. An imbalance in sugar levels leads to an imbalance of chemicals in the brain such as serotonin. This can lead to aggression, anger, confusion and even panic attacks.
Depression, leads to feelings of worthlessness, shame or guilt. Those moods can lead to feel feeling angry and agitated according to Paul Blenkiron, a psychiatrist at Bootham Park Hospital, York.
Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia that affects a variety of brain functions including emotional behavior and personality. It can lead to outbursts of anger.
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects the brain's normal growth of social and communication skills. Being swamped with multiple tasks or sensory stimulation can enhance the anger of one suffering from autism.
Sleeping tablets, such as benzodiazepine, operate by slowing down a variety for brain functions. With the reduction of some brain functions, sleeping tablets can make an already irritable person even more irritable.
Last but not least, the ultimate kicker of Mother Nature, that dreadful premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Due to the imbalance of hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, women become more irritable and increasing anger. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, your mood can change during the last two weeks of your menstrual cycle as well as two weeks before your period.
Many of these conditions affect the serotonin level in an individual's brain, which as we can see is essential to one's happiness.