Lila May Schow, Toddler With Terminal Neuroblastoma, Given Wedding, Prom, And Princess Ball For Her Birthday

People from all across the country came together in Hood River, Ore., July 31 to celebrate the 5th birthday of Lila May Schow — a little girl battling stage 4 neuroblastoma, a type of childhood cancer that attacks the sympathetic nervous system.
Doctors have recently taken Lila off of chemotherapy because they believe her body is no longer strong enough to handle it, and told her family they must make preparations for the future. Although they estimate Lila may not live past Thanksgiving, her family and the community decided to throw her the most spectacular birthday party any little girl could ask for.
Heidi Hall, Lila’s mother told KOIN 6, a local news channel, that for her daughter’s 5th birthday, they wanted to give her it all — a birthday, a prom, a Cinderella ball, and a wedding, all wrapped up into one. “Everything she won’t get,” Hall said.
And the community truly came through for Lila. Over 1,000 people were expected to attend the party at the Butler Bank Building, many of which did not know the family but came to show their support. People traveled from places like California, Idaho, and Utah to see Lila on her big day, some of whom donated their time and services to the party. Hair stylists from Portland came to Hood River to do Lila and her friend’s hair before the ball, while another out-of-state woman donated a custom-made Cinderella dress for Lila to wear. Every Disney princess character was in attendance, and Lila strolled up to her party in a horse-drawn carriage.
When Lila arrived to her party, she was greeted by the cheers of hundreds of people, while her father, doubling for the day as her Prince Charming, escorted her in via the red carpet. When inside the venue, Lila May danced with her father, and there was not a dry eye in the house. Afterward, she danced with her step-father, who then got down on one knee, and asked his step-daughter to marry him, giving her another experience she may never see.
Once Lila accepted, the crowd joyfully sang "Happy Birthday" to the 5-year-old and enjoyed a total of six cakes donated by bakeries in the area.
“It’s deeply touching to see how everyone responded,” Hall told KOIN 6. “Thanks is not enough.”
Radiant and smiling from ear to ear, Lila told reporters she liked her party, and her mother could not be happier for her. “It’s just the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever seen,” Hall said.
To see more photos of this inspiring young girl, click "view slideshow" above.