National Doctor’s Day 2015: The History Of Medicine And Doctors, From The Black Plague To Primary Care Today

Doctors have come a long way from the ancient healers they once were thousands of years ago. The profession has survived many transformations with the unfailing commitment to maintaining and improving human health. Monday celebrates National Doctor’s Day, and it’s an opportunity to reflect on the evolution of medicine and appreciate the quality of physician care today.
The U.S. Senate and House officially declared March 30 as National Doctor’s Day in 1990, however, it’s been celebrated for decades longer, according to the National Doctor’s Day website. In 1933, Dr. Charles B. Almond’s wife Eudora recognized the dedication, discipline, and aptitude that was required of her husband and his colleagues every day in their practice.
When we are sick or in pain, whether it's the body or mind, we seek doctors to restore us back to health. They improve our quality and length of life through fighting the many diseases and conditions that plague us. It has taken thousands of years to accumulate the wealth of knowledge doctors have today, and modern medicine continues to improve and ensure that we'll be living a better, healthier future.
Check out the slideshow to see how things have changed.