J&D’s Bacon-Flavored Condoms: These Condoms Look Like Bacon And Taste Like Bacon

Durex’s pumpkin spice condoms may have been a hoax, but bacon-flavored condoms are very much a real thing. From J&D, the makers of Bacon Salt, BaconPOP microwave popcorn, Bacon Ranch Dressing and Dip Mix, Bacon Croutons, and Baconnaise, I introduce to you a condom that looks, smells, and tastes like real bacon.

“J&D’s Bacon Condoms™ are proudly Made in America of the highest quality latex,” J&D explains on its website. “Every Bacon Condom has been rigorously tested to help ensure reliability and the utmost safety for when you’re makin’ Bacon. As an added bonus, J&D’s baconlube™ ultra premium water based meat-flavored personal lubricant has been generously applied inside and out for an even more hot pork experience.”
With the company tagline “everything should taste like bacon,” one can only expect a latex condom coated with “baconlube.” According to J&D, around five billion condoms are sold worldwide each year, including 450 million in the United States. The bacon-flavored condom is the first to “make your meat, look like meat.”