Man Accidentally Shoots Himself With Archery Arrow, Impales Hand

Most times when someone gets impaled by an object, it’s not their fault. That was not the case with one unlucky guy.
Dr. Carlo Oller is an emergency surgeon with over 10 years of experience. He first began his website,, to educate patients on their diagnosis, symptoms, and more, but lately he has been sharing more personal videos about the patients who find themselves on his surgery table.
Oller begins to tell the story of what he calls “a really cool case.” One night, he was doing some work when a young man walked in with an arrow through his hand. Turns out, the patient had actually shot himself through the hand with his bow, when the arrow slid off the notch as the man was releasing the arrow to fire.
To get the arrow out, the doctors cut it down using a ring cutter, numbed the area around the man’s hand, and gently pulled the arrow out. In the video, you can hear the man responding to the doctor clearly, and after they took the arrow out, the man still had function in all of his fingers.
Oller said they gave him nausea medicine and fluids, as the man had passed out after shooting the arrow into his hand. They also found that X-rays were negative, meaning the arrow hadn’t broken any bones. It also missed any major arteries, since, as Oller explains, there really aren’t any major arteries in that side of the hand.
When the man was discharged, Oller says he had all of his sensation in his fingers.