The Post-Antibiotic World: Vice Travels With Doctors Looking For A Solution To Antibiotic Resistance

The new post-antibiotic world threatens to uproot centuries of work in the field of medicine. Like the days of old, simple bacterial infections have become a cause for worry due to antibiotic resistance. Vice on HBO recently traveled alongside some of the health care professionals at the forefront of the battle against antibiotic resistance to find out about what the future holds for multi-drug resistant infections.
“The last hope for the human race’s survival, I believe, is in the rainforests of tropical Asia,” said ethnopharmacologist Dr. Christophe Wiart. “The pharmaceutical wealth of this land is immense.”
According to the World Health Organization, a post-antibiotic era is one in which common infections and minor injuries can kill. Antibiotic resistance compromises the prevention and treatment of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi.
“A jungle is not a peaceful environment,” Wiart added. “Tree fights with trees. Trees fight with insects. They all fight and communicate and they use chemicals and we are looking for those chemicals. But we have no time. What would happen if we’ve got major pandemics? Millions of deaths. This is no joke. It is now or never.”