Prostate Cancer Campaign Uses Hidden Camera To Track How Many People Check Out Woman's Butt

The month of November, commonly referred to as Movember, has had no shortage of quirky health messages aimed at getting men to check for prostate cancer. From overgrown mustaches, to #FeelingNuts, to testicular exams by an attractive nurse out in public, men are constantly reminded how important testicular examinations are for avoiding prostate cancer. This “booty cam” video may take the cake as the oddest way to encourage men into checking for prostate cancer.
“To raise awareness for prostate cancer, women wearing hidden cameras remind men to get themselves checked out, too,” the YouTube description reads. “Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in American men. If detected early, prostate cancer is nearly 100 percent survivable.”
Although prostate cancer is extremely rare in men younger than 40, testicular exams are recommended for any man between the age of 15 and 35. Aside from the recommended testicular exam conducted by a doctor during a routine cancer checkup, testicular self-exams are an easy and effective way to check for any lumps or irregularities in between doctor visits. I guess checking out a woman’s butt is more important than checking for prostate cancer, or more enjoyable.