Slow-Carb Diet: Low GI Foods Can Help You Lose Over 100 Pounds

Over one-third of obese American adults would like to get the skinny on a fast weight loss plan — especially if no exercise is required. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is no state in the nation that has lowered the prevalence of the disease to 15 percent; instead, there are 12 states with an obesity prevalence of 30 percent, accounting for the great obesity epidemic in the U.S. While risk factors like genetics, age, and medical problems are not in your control, dieting and eating habits can be monitored. A diet that is high in calories, carbohydrates, and sugars can easily contribute to an increasing body mass index (BMI) — the measure of body fat based on height and weight. But, losing weight just got easier with a new "slow-carb" diet that will help you monitor the foods you eat with minimal physical activity.
High Vs. Low GI Foods
A food's glycemic index (GI) — a number that represents a food's ability to increase the level of glucose in the blood — is responsible for regulating blood sugar and insulin that can lead to hunger and overeating and put you at risk for a series of diseases. A low glycemic diet — the slow-carb diet — eliminates starches and sweets from your diet, replacing them with lean protein and vegetables, acccording to Tim Ferriss author of "The 4-Hour Body" guide in his book The 4-Hour Workweek. High GI foods like potatoes, sugary drinks, and processed foods negatively affect your hunger, concentration, and mood levels whereas low GI foods contain plenty of fiber that can lower blood pressure and maintain cholesterol levels. These foods are digested slowly by the body and will keep you feeling full longer, helping you avoid those spur-of-the-moment eating binges.
Quality Over Quantity
"Eating high fiber fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, beans and nuts keeps you from eating things you should not - such as highly refined foods, and high fat foods, then you will lose weight," Jackie Keller, nutrition expert and board-certified professional health coach from Los Angeles, told Medical Daily. "High fiber foods keep you satisfied longer and so you eat less over time," she said. This diet based on GI concentrates more on the quality and food sources of nutrients than the quantity, in order to prevent chronic diseases like obesity. The type of fat consumed is considered to be more important than the amount because diets that are high in monosaturated, polysaturated, and unsaturated fats have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes, says the Harvard School of Public Health.
High GI Foods Lead To Weight Gain
In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers examined the effects of diet and lifestyle behaviors on weight in three separate investigations during four-year follow-ups involving 120,877 U.S. women and men who did not have chronic diseases and who were not obese during the initial study. The results of the study showed that within each four-year period, the participants who increased their consumption of potatoes chips and French fries gained an estimated 3 lbs. compared to people who decreased their intake of these refined grains and who thus gained less weight. Eating slow carbs can help regulate your metabolism and keep it constant, even decreasing your risk for most diseases including heart disease, cancer, and obesity.
How To Lose 100 Pounds On The Slow-Carb Diet
Tim Ferriss' slow-carb diet has revolutionized the way dieters lose weight. A diet that does not require the constant counting of calories nor a dent in your wallet is the dream of many dieting hopefuls. According to Ferriss' blog, those who follow the slow-carb diet can lose more than 100 lbs. over time or 20 lbs. in just a month. Ferriss shares his five simple rules to abide by while on this diet:
Rule #1: Avoid "white" starchy carbohydrates. This means all bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and grains. If you have to ask, don't eat it.
Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again, especially for breakfast and lunch. You already do this; you're just picking new default meals.
Rule #3: Don't drink calories. Exception: One to two glasses of dry red wine per night is allowed.
Rule #4: Don't eat fruit. (Fructose -> glycerol phosphate -> more body fat, more or less.) Avocado and tomatoes are exceptions.
Rule #5: Take one day off per week and go nuts. I choose and recommend Saturday.
Foods To Consume On The Slow-Carb Diet
Eggs, turkey bacon, organic bacon, organic sausages, all fish, seafood, all beans, all vegetables (except potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams), hot sauce, salsa without sugar, any oil, butter, spices and herbs, mustard, non-creamy low-sugar dressings, brown rice protein, hemp protein, pea protein, unflavored whey protein isolate, unsweetened cocoa, and vanilla extract.
Banned Foods On The Slow-Carb Diet
Milk, milk products including cheese (except cottage cheese), refined soy products (soy milk, tofu, tempeh, soy protein shake), fruit, potatoes (sweet potatoes, yams, yucca, any starchy vegetable), bread, rice, grains, oatmeal, tortillas, quinoa, ketchup, creamy dressings and dressings with sugar, sugar, honey, corn syrup, maple syrup, fructose, deep-fried breaded food, corn, popcorn, and Kombucha.
Cheat Day Helps You Lose More Weight
Ferriss recommends Saturday as a dieter's cheat day to consume comfort foods. One day of spiking your calorie intake can increase weight loss by making sure your metabolic rate doesn't change from excessive calorie restriction, according to Ferriss.