Sweating A Lot? Excessive Perspiration Can Be A Symptom Of These 5 Diseases

Everyone sweats, but most don’t enjoy it, or the causes behind it, which usually include anxiety or heat. Though sweating is a typical and normal part of life, sometimes it can be a sign that something else is seriously wrong with the body.
Excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, may present on its own due to overactive sweat glands, but it may also be a sign of an underlying condition. such as heart disease, or an anxiety disorder, among many others, according to the National Institutes of Health. Here are four conditions that can cause excessive sweat.
People with diabetic autonomic neuropathy are more likely to experience gustatory sweating, according to Healthline, but it is not unique to people with diabetes. This type of perspiration is different than hyperhidrosis and limited to the face, scalp, and neck.
Perspiring from little or no exertion while experiencing discomfort in the chest, arm, neck or jaw could be one of the first signs of an oncoming heart attack. A 2005 study from the University of Illinois at Chicago found that sweating may be a key variable in indicating cardiac arrest.
About 75 percent of women around menopause suffer from hot flashes, ABC News reported, which can range from low-key flushing to intense sweating.
Sweating is a symptom of both social anxiety and panic disorder — two of the most common anxiety illnesses. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, these disorders are generally treated with psychotherapy, medication, or both.
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