10 Health Myths Your Doctor Told You: From Drinking Water For Good Skin To Mixing Antibiotics With Alcohol

Doctors should be your go-to source for information about your physical body and wellbeing, but what if they’re wrong? The latest video from Alltime10s reveals the truth behind some myths you might've heard from a healthcare professional.
The video covers common pieces of medical advice about eating breakfast and digesting gum, as well as the success rate of CPR.
10. Drinking water can clear up your skin
Many other factors can cause bad complexion. Your skin’s appearance is also affected by genetics, sun damage, and smoking.
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9. Multivitamins help you live longer
If you are already healthy, taking vitamins and minerals may cause your cells to overdose, preventing them from absorbing new minerals.
8. Mixing alcohol causes hangovers
How you feel after a night of drinking is simply from the toxic effects of alcohol, no matter what type.
7. Wearing glasses weakens your eyesight
Your eyes are probably just being affected by natural deterioration.
6. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Skipping this morning bite doesn’t actually lead to any health issues or weight gain.
5. Flu vaccines give you the flu
The virus administered is inactive, and therefore unable to infect patients.
4. CPR works the majority of the time
The success rate of of a recipient living depends on how quickly help is administered.
3. Swallowed chewing gum takes seven years to digest
The gum will eventually make its way down the digestive tract, even though gum base can’t be broken down by the stomach.
2. Don’t mix antibiotics and alcohol
The majority of common prescription antibiotics aren’t impacted by alcohol consumption. This could just be an attempt to prevent any possible side effects.
1. Don’t fall asleep if you get a concussion
There is no medical evidence that sleeping while concussed causes a coma.
Want to know more? Watch the video below:
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