More White Americans Are Dying Than Being Born In One-Third Of US
United States demographics are changing as more white people die than are born in 17 states. The Health Benefits Of Fiber Include Depression, Dementia, And Hypertension Prevention
In addition to exercise and self-care, eating a lot of fiber as you age may be one of the single most important ways to fend off age-related health issues. Half Of Homeless Population Is Over 50, Yet Social Services Not Aligned With Their Needs
Homeless people in their 50s have more geriatric conditions than people decades older living in proper homes: study. How Old Are You? 3D Face Scan Reveals Biological Age Better Than A Blood Profile
A simple 3D image scan of your face is more accurate than a blood test in determining your biological age, which differs from chronological age by six years, plus or minus. Hearing Loss Quickens Brain Shrinkage In Old Age; Another Study Links Stimulus Deprivation To Cognitive Decline
Older adults who experience hearing loss also have a higher rate of age-related brain tissue loss, showing how important our ability to hear is for cognitive health later in life. S.W.E.A.T., Water-Exercise Method, Improves Balance and Functional Abilities In Older Women
A water-based exercise program, boosted by the S.W.E.A.T. method, helped women over the age of 60 to improve their functional activities of daily living as well as their static balance. Sleep Apnea May Cause Dementia
sleep apnea can deprive the brain and other organs of the oxygen they need. Overtime this triggers a decline in cognitive ability.