Genital warts
HPV Vaccination And Genital Warts: 2 Doses Are Just As Effective As 3 In Preventing STD
New research backs theory that two doses of the HPV vaccine are just as effective as three in preventing genital warts. Is That A Pimple Or Herpes? How To Tell The Difference Between A Zit And The STI
You have a bump on your genitals. Is it a pimple? Is it herpes? Here’s how to know. HPV May Cause A Genital Infection That Leads To Cancer, And Not Just Cervical
New study suggests HPV-related genital infection can cause cervical, anal, vulvar, and vaginal cancers. Valtrex For Genital Herpes Might Also Treat Patients With HIV Virus
Promising clinical trials indicate researchers are closer to reducing the spread of HIV. Rise In HPV Cancers Blamed On American Cultural Evolution; Disparity Between Blacks And Whites Puzzles Researchers
The sexual liberalization of the last century could explain the increase in head and neck cancers over the past generations, but a divergence between Blacks and whites remains unexplained. Optimal Dose of HPV Vaccine Found to be Two, not Three
The optimal dose of HPV vaccine is being called into question after two doses appeared to have the same effect as three, according to new government research. Six things to know about genital herpes
Genital herpes is one of the most common and worrisome infection that a sexually active person can pick up. Closely related to the cold sores or fever blisters, genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. Genital herpes vaccine data promising: Antigenics
American drug maker Antigenic has reported that its research has revealed positive data from a vaccine developed to cure genital infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. Study finds HPV Vaccine gives protection against genital warts
The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine used to protect against the sexually transmitted virus linked to cervical cancer also gives protection against genital warts, a study found.