5 Fun Games For Stroke Patients That Can Help Boost Recovery
A stroke can occur unexpectedly, leaving a lasting impact on the patient. The aftermath of a stroke can result in weakness, reduced cognitive abilities or even paralysis, disrupting the normal flow of life and causing frustration due to difficulties in performing everyday tasks. The physical challenges experienced by stroke survivors often have a psychological impact too, leading to feelings of depression and a greater need for emotional support from caregivers.
While it is true that it may take days, or even years, for stroke survivors to overcome the complications, there are some activities that can be performed to expedite the recovery process.
You may be familiar with neuroplasticity, which is the brain's natural recovery system that can be stimulated through regular cognitive exercises. You may also be surprised to learn that simple gaming activities can promote neuroplasticity.
Here are some indoor games that could help stroke patients navigate through the challenging phase of rehabilitation.
1. Board games
Playing board games is a novel way to boost cognitive expansion when it tends to erode during trying times. There are many varieties of board games out there that contribute to a lot of aspects related to recovery such as improving motor skills, boosting logic and strategic thinking.
2. Music therapy
Music therapy can assist stroke patients by improving their ability to swallow, speak, think and move, thereby aiding in their overall recovery and well-being, according to a study published in the National Library of Medicine. Incorporating familiar music during therapy sessions can encourage good mood and emotional well-being.
3. Art
Stroke patients often struggle to verbally communicate their emotions. Incorporating art-based activities into their recovery routine can provide an outlet for them to express their frustrations through brush strokes and convey specific emotions effectively.
4. Sensory stimulating games
Sensory stimulation games such as decorating the house, organizing beads, watching ocean waves and staring at the clouds can boost cognitive function, improve mood, promote physical rehabilitation, facilitate communication and encourage social engagement.
5. Word games and puzzles
Word games are a trusted method to enhance memory and restore lost cognitive abilities. Playing crossword puzzles triggers visual stimuli as they exercise memory and concentration. They engage working memory, stimulate pattern recognition and aid in recalling missing information.