5 Most Popular Sex Searches On Google, From Addiction To Smell Questions

Sex undoubtedly is one of the most popular and pervasive subjects to discuss. It’s at the center of conflict in movies, the topic of scientific studies, the fodder for girls’ night gossip, and the basis for articles like this one. But there are some sex topics you can’t, or don't want, to discuss with friends, and for that, there’s Google. Here are the answers to five of the most popular questions on the search engine beginning with, “Is sex…?”
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Is sex addiction real?
Technically no, though the answer for this one is a bit complicated. Sex addiction isn’t an official diagnosis in the standard manual of mental disorders used by health professionals, the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, many professionals do believe it’s a real disease. As therapist Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S, previously told Medical Daily, “When we’re talking about sex addiction we’re talking about a brain disease,” explaining that sex is like a drug for those who claim to be addicted. Mark Griffiths, Ph.D, explained the controversy around this subject in a blog post for Addiction.com, saying many reasons people don’t find it to be a legitimate disorder including lack of empirical evidence.
Is sex better when high?
This is more subjective, and there’s not a lot of research dedicated to having sex while high. Nicole Prause, who studies sex drive issues using brain stimulation at her company Liberos, told Mic, “No one will apply to study THC and sexual arousal.” She explains that the research would be costly and most grants with the word “sexual” are defunded.
Research has shown that marijuana can relieve tension and anxiety, which might make it easier for some people to have sex. However, a study at New York University last year studied alcohol and marijuana use before sex and found that people who got high before getting it on were more anxious or wary in unfamiliar situations. Maureen O'Connor investigated this very topic in an article for New York magazine and found that many people actually liked sex better when high. “It makes me super-horny, because I’m so relaxed. It’s akin to vacation sex,” one Manhattanite named Elizabeth told O’Connor about smoking weed before having sex. But like most substances, everyone will react differently.
Is sex cardio?
According to FitDay, your body experiences many of the safe effects during sex as exercise, including increased heart and metabolic rates, not to mention the calorie burn and muscle strengthening that happens. There’s no debating that sex is good for you, but it will never be an exercise replacement. CNN reported that sex usually lasts about six minutes, resulting in a loss of only 21 calories. Certain positions may provide more of a workout than others, and Fitness magazine offers 11 that double as exercise.
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Is sex drive genetic?
There is some evidence that sex drive might be genetic. A study from 2006 found that a variation of the DRD4 gene was linked to lower sex drive while another was linked to increased desire. However, one researcher believes there is no such thing as a sex drive and told The New Science that drive is motivational and related to life-or-death issues, so not sex. Something to ponder.
Is sex supposed to smell?
Yes, it’s completely normal to detect a scent post-coitus. Sara Gottfried, M.D., told Women’s Health magazine that the smell is caused from the the high pH in semen meeting the low pH found in vaginas. Even with a condom some smells can be caused due to inflammation.
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