5 Most Talked About Medical Stories Of The Week

This week, these five stories had everyone buzzing. They include two men who may have died from smoking marijuana, a Hollywood star’s touching Alzheimer’s testimony, and an insignificant but heavily-reported drop in the childhood obesity rate. Read more below:
Can Smoking Marijuana Kill You?
Advocates of the recreational drug — marijuana — have long supported its widespread use and legalization because its death rate was unheard-of — not to mention it’s considered safer than alcohol and has medicinal properties. The debate about the legalization of the drug has even reached a new high in the White House as President Obama publicly came forward and admitted, "I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol," but a group of German researchers at the Dusseldorf and Frankfurt university hospitals have weeded out the truth: Smoking pot can kill. Read More…
4 Ways to Improve Your Memory
Oscar Wilde once said, “Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.” Well, what about those days when we’re lucky that our heads are attached to our bodies because we might forget those, too? There are ways to help improve your memory. No, it doesn’t entail tying a string around your finger or writing on your forearm. Take a look below at four proven scientific ways for boosting your memory. Read More…
What Really Happens When You Black Out from Drinking?
People say they black out all the time: at parties, during arguments, while taking tests, and under distress in general. Some blame alcohol. Others claim to be overcome by something they cannot quite pin down. Either way, it raises the question: What really happens? Read More…
Childhood Obesity Rate Dropped, but Not Enough to Mean Much
On Tuesday, Michelle Obama announced a new marketing ban on junk food and sugary drinks in schools across the U.S., hoping to break the associations of learning and unhealthy eating. Accompanying this announcement, and widely touted as a victory for the "Let’s Move!" campaign Obama began four years ago, was a study showing childhood obesity rates had fallen 43 percent over the last 10 years. But don’t put this news in the win column just yet. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that, by 2012, childhood obesity had more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the last 30 years. Read More…
Seth Rogen Gives Touching Testimony on Mother-In-Law's Alzheimer's [VIDEO]
Speaking before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health & Human Services, actor Seth Rogen shared a not-so-familiar side of himself. The actor, known for his starring roles in raucous comedies, assumed a more serious, yet at times playful, tone Wednesday when he delivered a testimony on his mother-in-law’s struggles with Alzheimer’s disease. His touching story was a call-to-action in hope that the government will do more to aid research and funding. Read More…