6 Vagina Myths You Probably Still Believe

A woman's vagina holds an aura of mystery for men and women alike. A plethora of misguided ideas by self-proclaimed vagina-savvy folks has led to the spread of urban myths that are assumed to be based on reality. Although scientists are currently trying to understanding the ins and outs of the female reproductive system, there are some common myths that need to be dispelled — for her and his sake.
Myth #1: A woman's cherry "pops" after having sex.
False: Men are falsely told a "cherry" is "popped" when a woman has sexual intercourse for the first time. Now, although there is a hymen, which is the thin membrane across the opening of the vagina, not every woman has it, and it doesn't necessarily break during her first time. Being physically active, especially in activities like horseback riding or gymnastics, can cause the hymen to break, according to SexInfo Online by the University of California, Santa Barbara. If the hymen breaks during an intense workout, it may or may not be a painful occurrence.
Myth #2: A loose vagina means a woman's "been around the block."
False: Many people are under the false pretense the virgin vagina is "extremely tight" and frequent sex "loosens" it. Naturally, the vagina muscle contracts and tightens again after relaxing during sex, but it does not permanently stretch the vagina. Typically, the vagina loosens during arousal and tightens back afterwards, regardless of how many times a woman has sex.
Now, during childbirth, the vagina does stretch a lot, but it usually goes back to how it was pre-birth for women in their late teens and early twenties, according to Psychology Today. However, if the vagina stretches a great deal, over time, it will no longer snap back entirely. This can happen to the vaginas of young women after multiple births as their vaginal muscles fatigue and no longer fully contract. Also, aging does fatigue vaginal muscle, which is why some older women complain of looseness.
Myth #3: All labias are created equal.
False: The belief that the labia, the external openings of the urethra and vagina, is the same in all women is so pervasive that some have opted for labiaplasties, or surgery that reduces the length of the labia. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found 37 percent of women have gone under the knife for labiaplasties for aesthetic reasons alone, even with the risk of scarring, infection, bleeding, and permanent nerve damage, such as decreased genital sensitivity.
Labia comes with a lot of variation. For example, a previous 2005 study published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology concluded there is an huge variation in labial and clitoral size, with the average length of labia ranging from 20 to 100 millimeters.
Myth #4: Stimulating the G-spot leads to orgasm.
False: The existence of the G-spot is still a heavily debated topic among scientists and non-scientists alike. A 2014 study published in the journal Nature Reviews Urology suggests the "intimate area" that leads a woman to climax is not a spot, but a "sensitive area" known as the clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex. The structure and interactions between the clitoris, urethra, and anterior vaginal wall have led this team to discover the CUV region. They consider it a “multifaceted morphofunctional” region that, when properly stimulated during penetration, could lead women to orgasm.
Myth #5: Women ejaculate during sex.
False: Some women are perceived to "ejaculate" because of a fluid that comes out during sex. However, a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found the fluid that comes out of "squirters" actually contains urine. The researchers determined squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity, also known as pee.
Myth #6: Men prefer a shaved vagina over a "full bush."
False: A majority of women believe men prefer hairless vaginas over the full-bush. The truth is the full-bush trend is making a comeback with American Apparel showcasing mannequins with pubic hair and some celebrities embracing their hairy roots. In addition, a UK Medix poll found 45 percent of women can “no longer be bothered to keep up the grooming” and 62 percent revealing that their partner “prefers the natural look.”
Dispelling these common myths can help men and women understand the vagina a little better.