8 Of The Most Influential People In Medicine In 2014, (Almost) All Under The Age Of 30

Young scientists are leading the way in health care, said Forbes when they unveiled this year's list of 30 under 30. This isn’t something many expected, let alone believed, could be the case when Forbes first thought to include the category of science.
And yet, 2014 was a particularly banner year for disease-related research and awareness, including but not limited to Ebola, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and cancer. It also wasn’t done solely by scientists. Nurses, cancer survivors, even golfers made contributions to medicine in one way or another.
There are so many young and great minds hard at work that it’s impossible to round each of them up. However, we did our best to find eight of the most influential young people in 2014. Be warned: you’ll walk away feeling crazy-inspired.