Adam Kirby Admitted To MENSA: 2-Year-Old With 141 IQ Can Spell 100 Words [VIDEO]

A two-year-old from the UK has become the second youngest person ever admitted into Mensa, the prestigious society for people with the highest IQs. The Daily Mail reports that the gifted child can already spell over 100 words, add and subtract, count to 1,000 in English, 20 in Spanish and Japanese, and 10 in French.
Adam Kirby from Mitcham, south London has become the 19th child from the UK to join MENSA without even entering school. The toddler's score of 141 puts him above the average British score of 100 and is just four points shy of a "Genius" level.
"The members of Mensa always welcome new additions as we aim to stimulate people in an intellectual and social environment," said British Mensa CEO John Stevenage.
"We are look to help gifted children and encourage them to develop at an extraordinary. We look forward to Adam joining Mensa and expect him to have a very bright future."
Earlier this month, fellow resident of London 13-year-old Neha Ramu was also accepted by MENSA after scoring a 162 on her IQ test. Some believe the teenager's score is higher than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, although it is merely speculation considering Einstein refused to take the test and Hawking has never revealed his score.
The youngest British member of Mensa, Elise Tan-Roberts, who joined at two years and four months, was just one month younger than Adam at the time of her acceptance. Adam's parents Dean and Kerry-Ann were stunned when their son potty trained himself at one years old.
"Adam's abilities are outstanding and we've been actively developing his intelligence since he was 10 weeks old - but we're certainly delighted for him. Neither my wife nor I are Mensa members. We are both bright, but Adam is significantly more advanced at his age than we were," Adam's father Dean explained.
"I think the main reason for his rapid development is that we have found effective ways to make learning enjoyable. Adam is able to progress at his own pace whenever he chooses to and in areas of his choosing."
Watch Adam's progress here.