With over 14.6 million plastic surgeries performed annually in the U.S., ensuring safe outcomes is paramount. And although complications occur in only one percent of these cases, the sheer volume performed necessitates unparalleled expertise and vigilance. Dr. David Hill and his partner, both in life and business, Nurse Practitioner Brittony Croasdell, lead Fulcrum Aesthetics in Chicago—a clinic renowned not only for its medical excellence but also for its innovative approach to complication management.

Dr. Hill brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep-seated passion for patient safety to his practice. His proactive approach to education helps patients understand the risks and realities of plastic surgery, significantly reducing the likelihood of complications. His reputation for rectifying less successful procedures performed elsewhere has made Fulcrum Aesthetics a pivotal player in the field.

Nurse Practitioner Brittony Croasdell is the other half of the Fulcrum dream team and a powerful leader in her own right within the complications management community. Her expertise is particularly noted in treating complications like eyelid ptosis from botched Botox injections, a delicate procedure that requires a skilled hand and a thorough understanding of eyelid anatomy. Brittony also engages actively in global discussions about complications management, serving on an international committee dedicated to this cause.

The couple's extensive training—Hill's decade of training spanning both general and plastic surgery and Croasdell's acute care medical experience—equips them uniquely to handle the nuanced demands of their specialty. Together, they dispel common misconceptions about plastic surgery and aesthetic treatments, providing their patients with clear, accurate information that helps prevent misguided decisions. Their educational initiatives are critical, especially in an era where misinformation about cosmetic procedures is rampant.

Research underscores the need for public education, showing widespread misunderstanding about the qualifications necessary for plastic surgeons versus those merely branding themselves as cosmetic surgeons. An article in the International Open Access Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, published in December 2023, highlights a significant gap in public awareness concerning the field of plastic surgery, particularly the qualifications involved and the scope of training that extends beyond the aesthetic procedures frequently dramatized by the media.

But the importance of training and personal dedication of a provider to their patient extends beyond just surgical specialties to any procedure with the potential for untoward complications. "For each treatment, no matter how minor it may seem, I develop a comprehensive plan that anticipates and addresses potential issues," Brittony explains. Her approach stems from her years in the emergency room, where she learned the importance of thorough preparation and proactive management.

Fulcrum Aesthetics offers a full spectrum of aesthetic services—from non-invasive treatments like injectables to complex surgical procedures. This integrated service model not only provides convenience but also ensures continuity of care under the highest safety standards. The clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic tools, like ultrasound, for immediate vascular occlusion detection, and maintains a stock of critical emergency treatments, such as hyaluronidase, for rapid reversal of filler misplacements.

The atmosphere at Fulcrum is carefully curated to ease the natural anxieties that come with medical treatments. The clinic features an interior designed with soft curves and neutral tones, creating a calming environment that contrasts sharply with the clinical feel of traditional medical facilities. A custom scent called 'Rise' wafts through the clinic, composed specifically for Fulcrum by an award-winning scent designer, further enhancing the unique, spa-like experience for patients.

The couple believe that the physical environment of their clinic plays a crucial role in patient comfort and overall satisfaction. "It's essential that our patients feel at ease from the moment they step into our clinic. The ambiance we've created is designed to transform their experience, making it as pleasant and stress-free as possible," says Dr. Hill.

Fulcrum Aesthetics is committed to harmonizing the art and science of beauty with the utmost safety, making it a model of excellence in the field of aesthetic medicine. Their mission goes beyond transforming appearances; they aim to educate and empower their patients, ensuring that each person who leaves their clinic not only looks their best but also feels deeply cared for and respected. This holistic approach defines Fulcrum Aesthetics as a leader in the field, where innovation meets individual care in the heart of Chicago.