Animal Expert Coyote Peterson Lets Himself Get Stung By Wasp ‘Cow Killer’ — For Science?

It’s the sort of dare that’ll make you wince in pain just thinking about it.
Coyote Peterson, noted animal expert and host of the online Brave Wilderness channel on YouTube, decided to kick things up a notch on his show recently. For the sake of demonstrating just how unwise it is to ever interact with anything possessing six or more legs, Peterson willingly let a velvet ant sting him on camera for all to see.
The sting is so painful that it’s famed to have once killed a cow, accounting for the bug’s nickname of the “cow-killer,” and it’s considered the third most painful insect sting around. As Peterson notes, though, there’s no clear evidence that a cow ever did die from a velvet ant sting, an ability that only female ants possess. And despite the name, the fuzzy ants are actually a species of wasp.
What is perfectly clear is that the sting was one of the most painful experiences Peterson has undergone on the show, with the brave host trying his hardest to stay composed on screen while the toxin seeped through his system and caused red splotches and welts around the stung area.
‘It feels like I’m getting stung over and over again,” he groans in between moments of heavy breathing at one point.
Thankfully, Peterson’s excruciating experience only lasted thirty minutes and he was no worse for wear afterwards. Indeed, the velvet ant sting was just practice — he fully plans to document his misadventures in getting stung by the next most painful insects, the tarantula hawk and bullet ant.
Godspeed, you maniac, you.