Anti-Meth Abuse System Gaining Increasing Support in U.S.
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The National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators announced its efforts in encouraging the Ohio House of Representatives on Monday, to support a legislation that would stop unlawful over the counter sales of safe and effective medicines containing pseudoephedrine, which is used to manufacture methamphetamine.
"We strongly encourage Ohio lawmakers to support House Bill 334, legislation that would implement real-time, stop-sale technology called the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx). NPLEx is proven technology that allows pharmacists to block unlawful sales of safe and effective medicines containing pseudoephedrine (PSE) right at the counter,” the NADDI announced.
NPLEx has received support from 17 other states and nationwide by a number of national retail chains, according to the NADDI.
NPLEx successfully blocked more than two million grams in “potential illegal sales of PSE,” in 2011, possibly keeping FDA-approved medicines “out of the hands of meth criminals.”
"In the neighboring State of Indiana, in just six months since implementation, real-time, stop-sale technology has blocked the sale of more than 17,000 boxes of medicines containing PSE.”
The NADDI announced that they strongly urge Ohio to adopt real-time, stop-sale technology to help battle against the growing problem of methamphetamine.