Beer Lovers More Likely to Have Sex on the First Date: Other Truth-Revealing Questions to Ask Your Next Date
Beer drinkers are more likely to have sex on the first date, according to new statistics.
In fact, both men and women who were either homosexual or straight and also like the taste of beer are 60 percent more likely to sleep with someone on the first date, according to Harvard graduate and co-founder of OKCupid dating website Christian Rudder.
After analyzing the profiles and interactions of hundreds of millions of users, Rudder found that beer-drinking was the strongest indicator of whether people were likely to have casual sex.
While the "beer test" predicted men and women's interest in casual sex, other questions were even better at predicting a man's likelihood of having sex on the first date. Men who answered yes to these questions were 82 percent more likely to have first-date sex:
1) In a certain light, wouldn't nuclear war be exciting?
2) Assuming you were in the position to do so, would you launch nuclear weapons under any circumstances?
3) Could you imagine yourself killing someone?
Rudder, who was a math major, also found three questions that best predicted long-term compatibility.
Although many people think the best questions to ask when determining whether couples would go on to have a long-term relationship are about someone's views on sex, smoking and religion, Rudder found that people could predict their relationship shelf life with a date more twice as well by asking these three questions:
1) Wouldn't it be fun to chuck it all and go live on a sailboat?
2) Do you like horror movies?
3) Have you ever travelled around another country alone?
Statistics on OKCupid show that compatibility on sensation-seeking may be even more important than obvious compatibility testers like a date's opinion on God, sex and smoking in predicting enduring love, Douglas Kenrick, professor of social psychology at Arizona State University, wrote in Psychology Today.
Rudder also analyzed how a woman's feelings toward her own body correlates with self-confidence and sex drive. He found that a woman's sex drive goes up significantly until her late 30s, and then drops just as dramatically, but her self-confidence gradually goes up with age.
Women who describe themselves as "curvy" are significantly more interested in sex and have more confidence than women who describe themselves as "skinny", a trend that is consistent in every age group.
Rudder's dating website statistics blog also found that women who say they don't enjoy exercise are twice as likely to have trouble achieving orgasm than women who enjoy physical activity.
People who were frequent tweeters also have shorter real-life relationships compared to everyone else and people living in more affluent neighborhoods were more interested in having casual sex compared to those who live in poorer neighborhoods.