Black Friday Deals Online Starting Wednesday Night
Black Friday deals may be available online starting Wednesday night and early Thursday, offering consumers big savings without the need to line up for hours in stores.
Some Black Friday deals are even already available online. is now offering Black Friday deals including deals other stores are planning. Amazon is also adding new ones throughout the day.
Another example is Wal-Mart, the world's top retailer, which is already offering some items with Black Friday discounts online.
"There are some really good deals online right now. And with the great free shipping promotions we’re seeing, you don’t have to wait for a special day to get a good deal,” Jody Rohlena, senior editor at Consumer Reports' ShopSmart magazine told MSNBC.
Most major retailers put 90 percent of their Black Friday items online on Thanksgiving Day, according to a Black Friday guru interviewed by MSNBC.
“Rather than wasting Thanksgiving in front of Best Buy, you can spend that time with your family and still get a great deal,” Jon Vincent told the network.
According to the site which tracks holiday sales, Best Buy will begin offering Black Friday sales online starting at 1 a.m. (EST) Thursday, Target at 2 a.m. (EST) Thursday and Wal-Mart at 3 a.m. (EST) Thursday, according to estimates the site made based on store's behavior in previous years.
"Some of these sales might start earlier or later than the stated time," the site warned.