Bob Dylan Lyrics In Science? Swedish Research Team Has Ongoing Bet To See How Many Times They Can Work Bob Dylan Lyrics Into Their Articles

Are you a big Bob Dylan fan? Probably not as big as this Swedish research team who consistently works lyrics from their favorite Bob Dylan songs into the headlines of their research articles. Professors John Lundberg and Eddie Weitzberg from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm started referencing the Tambourine Man 17 years back after an article on gas passing through the intestines garnered the title, “Nitric Oxide and inflammation: The answer is blowing in the wind.”
“We both really liked Bob Dylan and we thought the quotes really fitted nicely with what we were trying to achieve with the title,” Weitzberg told The Local. “We’re not talking about scientific papers — we could have got in trouble for that — but rather articles we have written about research by others, book introductions, editorials and things like that.”
Since their original use of the folk singer’s lyrics in the title of their research papers, Weitzberg and Lundberg have been joined by three other Swedish researchers looking to merge the worlds of medicine and all things Dylan. They even have an ongoing bet to see who can work the most lyrics from the iconic American singer-songwriter into their titles before they retire. The winner will receive an all-expense paid lunch at a restaurant close to the university their research is conducted at.
Professor of Cardiovascular Research Kenneth Chein through his hat into the ring with “Tangled up in blue: Molecular cardiology in the postmolecular era.” Another title used by the researchers not only incorporated Dylan lyrics, but also an album: “Blood on the tracks: a simple twist of fate.” They decided to stick with research articles after realizing that that addition of “The times they are a-changing” to a scientific paper may not go over so well with other health care professionals.
"We really are not the only ones who try to be smart and catchy in our headlines,” Weitzberg added. "If you read other scientific articles you'll find people trying to be clever in different ways.” When asked “how does it feel?” (a subtle reference to Dylan’s Like a Rolling Stone) in regard to the recognition he and his colleagues have received, Weitzberg laughed and responded, “I would much rather become famous for my scientific work than for my Bob Dylan quotes. But yes, I am enjoying this!”