Brain Surgeries From the Future Happening Today

Technological advances in the medical field have skyrocketed in recent years. Ideas and theories of procedures that could be performed that were once almost laughable in their concept are now no longer a product of outlandish thinking; they are becoming a reality. One such advancement in the medical field is in the area of brain surgery, or more concisely, skull base surgery.
An endoscopic technique is the new procedure being utilized by brain surgeons to remove an array of brain tumors. This simply means that the surgeries being performed on the brain are minimally invasive when compared to the traditional standards that have been used to remove a brain tumor. Through an endoscopic procedure, unique instruments are employed that require much smaller incisions, whereby the chances of infection are lower, pain is minimal and recovery time is much faster.
Brain tumors that are being removed by the innovative endoscopic technique include pituitary gland tumors. These tumors can cause either an over production or under production of key hormones in the body, and most are not a product of genetics. Known either as adenomas, which are benign overgrowths on the gland, or carcinomas, which are rare, malignant growths, these tumors are treated and removed by the insertion of an endoscope that is introduced up and through the nose and into the brain. In most cases the entire tumor will be removed and the patient will be back to normal everyday life within t24 to 48 hours.
Another highly impressive use of the endoscopic technique is the removal of an acoustic neuroma.
This tumor is a benign growth of tissue that is not within the brain, but beside it. Its growth is gradual, and it will eventually start to push against the brain causing swelling, hearing loss and vertigo. In the past, to treat and remove an acoustic neuroma required a plethora of doctor’s, skilled in various fields, to be present at the surgery. A large hole had to be drilled through, or cut out of, the bone behind the ear and a very invasive surgery had to be performed. The losses of hearing, seizures or facial paralysis were often a byproduct of this type of surgery. Today, however, brain surgeons simply create a small hole that is roughly the size of dime, insert the endoscope and remove the acoustic neuroma. Recovery time is typically 48 hours and reports of hearing loss, seizures and facial paralysis have greatly reduced.
Ashely Adams is a health industry blogger and enjoys blogging about medical advancements. For more information brain surgery please visit