The Breakthrough For Burn Victims: One Doctor's 'Skin Cell Gun' Has Been Lying Dormant For Years
A burn on the human skin can alter it permanently depending on the severity. With a first-degree burn, there is oftentime swelling and minor pain. A second-degree burn, where the second layer of skin has burned through, produces severe pain and blisters. A third-degree burn is the most serious of burns; all of the skin's layers are burnt, exposing fat, muscle, and even bones.
Two years ago, Dr. Jörg Gerlach thought that he might have a solution to help speed up the recovery process for many burn victims. It’s called the Skin Cell Gun, and it takes a person’s own skin cells, adds them to a water-like solution, and sprays them back on. The healing time is quicker than conventional skin grafting techniques, taking approximately three to four days.
When this gun was first introduced it helped to heal only a several dozen patients. And because it was only in its prototype stage there wasn’t that much evidence to support long-term stability. There hasn’t been much news about it since its original introduction to the scientific community.
Take a look at the video below, showing Matthew Uran, a state police officer who was burned in a Fourth of July bonfire gone wrong. The side of his body was completely burned, and his arm “looked like a piece of charred meat, like someone had left a hot dog on too long.”
After being one of the first people to use the Skin Cell Gun, Uran healed in a matter of days. “They did it on a Friday, and my follow up was on Monday — the burn unit said it was healed,” he said.