Britney Haynes, Reality Television Star, Reveals Her Daughter Has Cancer
Fan Favorite on Big Brother, Britney Haynes announced yesterday that her infant daughter, Tilly Elizabeth Godwin, has been diagnosed with cancer. The 26 year old reality television star did not indicate any further details or even the type of cancer with which her daughter, who was born just two months ago, has been diagnosed.
'On September 1st, we were among the daily 720 sets of parents to be absolutely devastated with a Childhood Cancer diagnosis,' she wrote on Facebook. 'Please take the time to pray for all these children, our sweet baby included. We appreciate each and every one.'
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that in 2009 the most commonly diagnosed childhood cancers —those affecting children aged 0 to 19 years— were leukemias and brain and central nervous system cancer. The highest incidence rate for leukemia was found among children between the ages of one and four, while the highest death rate was found among children between 15 and 19. Brain cancer had a similar incidence rate for young children four and under, and a death rate most common among children between five and nine.
Haynes, a native of Arkansas, married her high school sweetheart, Nathan “Ryan” Godwin, in March 2012. Tilly was born on July 13. Haynes competed on Big Brother during 2010.