Can Your Diet Prevent Alzheimer's? 2 Healthy Eating Plans To Battle Dementia

Diets aimed to ward off Alzheimer’s Disease are gaining in popularity. Furthering the recent attention is famed chef Paula Wolfert, who talked to the New York Times about the special diet she created to fight dementia, which she has been diagnosed with since 2013.
Read: Can You Fight Dementia With Food? Chef Paula Wolfert Battles The Disease With Special Diet
A new diet was created by scientists in Toronto and is named the Canadian Brain Health Food Guide. In the United States, the popular MIND diet was created by doctors at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and Harvard University in Boston, reports MedicalXpress.
“There is increasing evidence in scientific literature that healthy eating is associated with retention of cognitive function, but there is also a lot of misinformation out there,” says Dr. Carol Greenwood in a statement. She is a co-author of the Brain Health Food Guide and senior scientist at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute (RRI) in Toronto.
Greenwood explains that most of the evidence points to classes of foods, like berries, rather than an individual item, like strawberries.
The recommendations advise a diet rich in leafy greens, nuts, healthy fats and fish. Whole grains and low-fat dairy products are also allowed; red and processed meat should be limited, according to the guide.
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The MIND Diet is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH eating plans, both of which are thought to lower instances of cardiovascular disease and possible protect against dementia, according to a release from Rush University.
MIND includes 10 healthy food groups:
Green leafy vegetables
Other vegetables
Whole grains
Olive oil
There are also five unhealthy categories that the plan advises against: red meats; butter and margarine; cheese; pastries and sweets; and fried food.
A study of more than 900 people between 58 and 98 years old found that those who strongly adhered to the MIND diet reduced Alzheimer’s risk by 53 percent. People who followed it moderately reduced their risk by 35 percent. Participants’ diets were monitored for four and a half years.
Not only are these Alzhemier’s prevention diets good for your brain, but they’re good for the rest of your body too, as they include nutrient-rich foods that have been linked to a decreased heart disease risk and healthier diets.
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