Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders
Measles Visits NYC: Symptoms Of The Disease And How To Stay Protected
The New York Department of Health has issued a warning of an imminent outbreak after an infected Australian tourist visited the city in February. What Your Earwax Says About You, From Your Ethnicity To Your Health To How Smelly You Are
Your earwax can reveal a lot about you, from your race and ethnicity to how stinky you are. 7 Bad Breath Causes: The Mouth Conditions, Signs To Recognize
With or without your mouthwash and constant brushing, the stink emanating from your mouth may be out of your control. Tonsil Stones: What Are These Things In My Throat?
If you didn’t accidentally swallow gravel, that lump at the back of your throat might be a tonsil stone. Why Do Teenagers Smell Bad? Study Suggests They May Be Unable To Detect Own Scent
New research suggests that age may influence your ability to detect certain scents. Use These Tips To Strengthen Your Sense Of Smell
All of us have the ability to become super sniffers: The newest TedEd video gives insight into how to improve your sense of smell. Why Does My Voice Crack? 3 Causes Of Vocal Cord Stress
There are a number of factors that can cause stress on your vocal folds, leading to annoying voice cracking. Medical Breakthrough 2016: Chinese Doctor Grows New Ear Out Of Rib Cartilage On Man's Arm For Better Hearing
Chinese doctor grows ear from rib cartilage in patient's arm to restore hearing. What Is Vertigo? 9 Symptoms Of Balance Problems And What They Could Mean For Your Health
Vertigo is characterized by a sudden dizzy sensation often associated with other symptoms such as hearing loss and nausea. Ghost Pepper Challenge Gone Wrong: Eating Contest Leaves Man With Collapsed Lung, Hole In Throat Leaking Food
A ghost pepper-eating contest leaves a California man with a hole in his throat, and a collapsed lung.