This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Fast Food
A diet high in fat and sugar, which could include fast food, may affect the immune system in the same way as a bacterial infection. Men Think A Woman's Consent To Sex Previously Implies Her Consent Ever After
New research has found that many men on college campuses do not have accurate ideas about sexual consent. HIV Testing: Transgender Study Shows Groups That Test Most For STD
Researchers have found that some transgender people get three times as many HIV tests than others. 3 Science-Backed Factors That Help Students Succeed In College
A new report identifies science-backed factors that help U.S. college students thrive despite challenges. Why The Wealthiest Americans Live Up To 15 Years Longer
Lack of access to medical care is one of the main reasons the poor live shorter lives. Teaching Math This Way Could Help More American Students Excel In Subject
Math is a school subject that has been traditionally shrouded with fear, but according to one college math professor, the subject is taught all wrong. Human Evolution: Fossil Hunters Find Primate Jawbone; New Species May Expand Knowledge Of Human Family Tree
This discovery could answer questions about humans' biological history and evolution. Does Size Matter? The Differences Between Male And Female Brains
Women and men have been fighting over who is smarter for a long time. But who has the upper hand? Organ Donors: What Happens To Your Body After Death In Organ Donation
Here’s what happens to your body when you sign up to be an organ donor. Motion Sickness Is Your Body’s Response To Thinking It’s Being Poisoned
Humans have invented mechanical transportation faster than our bodies have evolved to endure it.