Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Are Plastic Surgeons Operating On Mentally Ill Patients?
A study suggests plastic surgeons miss most of the signs of a serious mental illness in patients who want work done. 7 Subtle Signs You Have An Anxiety Disorder, From Muscle Tension To Chronic Indigestion
More than ordinary nervousness? The 7 signs that you may have an anxiety disorder, from muscle tension to chronic indigestion. Depression Treatment Update: 17 Percent Of US Adults Have Taken Psychiatric Drugs, Including Antidepressants Zoloft, Celexa
A large percentage of Americans are on psychiatric medications like antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills. Orthorexia Warning Signs: New Year's Resolutions Can Trigger Eating Disorders; Symptoms To Know
If you are truly obsessed with eating healthy, you may have a condition called orthorexia — and New Year’s resolutions can be a problem. OCD Early Symptoms: Everyday Habits That Are Signs Of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Perfectionism and OCD are not the same thing. Here’s how to tell if you have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Mental Illness: Studying Obsessive Thoughts, Wandering Minds, Can Help Understanding
Obsessive thoughts or goal-oriented thoughts can derail the natural spontaneous movement of the mind, an idea that could be crucial to understanding mental illness. 6 Strange Effects Of Stress Including Vivid Dreams, Hair Loss, Gallows Humor
Stress affects our bodies in lots of obvious ways, like making us hungry or sweaty, but other reactions are much stranger than that. Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders: How OCD, Social Anxiety, And More Affect Well-Being
There's more than just one type of anxiety. Paroxetine, Used To Treat Depression, Was Misrepresented As Safe For Teen Use
A study incorrectly concluded that an antidepressant was safe for adolescent use, when it actually made depression worse. The Main Symptom Of OCD Isn't Excessive Handwashing, Plus Other Myths, Debunked
TED Ed hopes to empower potential OCD sufferers with the knowledge they need to seek help.