Cooking Shows May Negatively Affect Women's BMI: Why TV Chefs Should Cook Healthier Food
Cooking shows are “nutritional gatekeepers”— and they might be making viewers gain weight, according to new research from the University of Vermont (UV).
Researchers surveyed 501 women between the ages of 20 and 35 about new foods, how frequently they cooked from scratch, as well as their current height and weight. The results showed women who watched food television and frequently cooked from scratch scored higher on the body mass index (BMI) than those who relied on friends and family, print publications, and cooking classes for recipes. Weight wise, the difference was an average of 10 pounds.
This wasn’t the case, however, for women watching food television and not cooking from scratch. Apparently, food television for entertainment purposes only is fine, Lizzy Pope, lead study author of the UV’s department of nutrition and food science, said in a press release. But viewers might get into trouble if they recreate recipes as seen on TV, which Pope and her team report tend to be higher in calories, protein, and fat compared to pre-prepared meals you can find in the supermarket.
While social media also factored into a woman’s BMI — some women considered posts of “unhealthy” TV recipes to be the norm — researchers admitted the effects of these shows still isn’t clear. On the one hand, cooking shows can help teach viewers how to prepare healthy meals. But, if a show is rooted in “overconsumption and unhealthiness,” it’s possible it will have a negative effect on a viewer’s weight and health.
"If we had more food shows that used healthier recipes and showed how they can look good, taste good, be exciting and be social, which is what these shows illustrate, we could have an impact on public health," Pope said. "Food show executives and hosts need to realize they are social role models and have a role to play in battling obesity and health care costs. They can be part of the solution or continue contributing to a major problem."
Science of Us speculated cooking shows focus on unhealthy recipes to achieve the “food porn effect,” which is the idea delicious-looking food stimulates a person’s appetite. While healthy food can certainly be this appetizing — we see you, — people generally want cheesy and chocolate-y types of food. NPR cited a study that found only a third of the two million food photos posted on a daily basis are of fruits and vegetables.
Source: Pope L, Latimer L, and Wansink B. Viewers vs. Doers. The relationship between watching food television and BMI. Appetite. 2015.