Do You Think Like A Man Or A Woman? Brain Gender Test Reveals 'Sex ID' Using Visual Challenges

Men and women alike have been told their brains are wired differently, implying men think like men, and women think like women. Whether we have a more feminine or masculine brain does not translate to what makes us a man or a woman, but rather suggests we have skills that are traditionally associated with that sex. To decipher the “sex ID” of our brains, the Science Museum in London has devised a test on the book, The Brain Pack, by Van Der Meer and Dudlink, that uses a series of cognitive tests to reveal the differences between the male and female brain.
The brain sex quiz states: “Generally males and females are very similar to each other in the way they think. Psychologists have developed tests to show up some differences between the sex.” Test 1, or task one asks: “Which of the frames below doesn’t contain either of the fruits on the right?” This skill is thought to be more associated with what women are generally good at. Test 2, or task 2, asks: “On the right is a star shape. Find the same shape below.” Men are expected to excel in this task because they are deemed generally good at being able to imagine how things rotate.

Overall, the test viewed women as generally good at distinguishing between subtle hints and details, and having good visual memory. Men, on the other hand, are generally good at seeing things in three dimensions and being able to imagine how things rotate. It is not yet known what exactly is driving these differences between the sexes.
These conclusions are supported by a 2013 study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), which found male brains appeared to be wired front to back, with few connections connecting the two hemispheres. The pathways in women’s brains were crisscrossed between left and right. The results supported this notion, as women scored well on attention, word and face memory, and social cognition, while men performed better on spatial processing and sensori-motor speed in the study.
So, what is your brain sex ID? Take the quiz here.