Dying Dad From Ohio, Scott Nagy, Won't Let Cancer Stop Him From Walking His Daughter Down The Aisle [VIDEO]
Scott Nagy, 56, doesn’t have that long to live. Back in 2012, the Ohio resident was diagnosed with urethral cancer, and now his doctors are considering his condition terminal. None of this could stop Scott from walking his daughter, Sarah, down the aisle on her wedding day, just like he promised.
"He promised that he'd be there and he was," Sarah told ABC News. "When I walked out and saw him there, I couldn't think. I couldn't focus. There was my dad sitting there in his tuxedo, looking amazing and wondering why I was crying."
Sarah’s marriage to Angelo Salvatore was originally scheduled for 2014; however, the 24-year-old bride-to-be couldn’t bear the possibility of having her father absent on her wedding day. Scott assured her back in March that he would be there to walk her down the aisle, no matter what.
"I told her, 'This is your wedding. Whatever you decide, your father and I will respect. If you truly want him to be there, it should probably be this year,'" Scott’s wife, Jean, told ABC News. "Of course she picked this year."
After starting chemotherapy treatments, Scott’s doctors were hopeful that his condition would improve. However, a decline in his health by August put him back in the care of University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center.
This past Saturday, a team of health care professionals from University Hospitals loaded Scott up into an ambulance, ran monitoring cords under his tuxedo, put a tracheal tube under his tie, and transported him the First Evangelical Church where is daughter was getting married.
“There are no guarantees in life,” Scott told Fox News. “When you can do something like this, this is a bonus.”
The Nagy family hopes to fulfill other terminally ill patients' wishes by setting up a fundraising account in their community.