E-Cigarettes May Be Less Addictive Than Cigarettes, Study Finds

In an attempt to quit smoking, many people turn to products like electronic cigarettes. While e-cigs may not be healthier than traditional tobacco products, they might be less addictive, according to a new study.
Penn State researchers analyzed a large set of survey responses to look for daily or almost-daily users of e-cigarettes or cigarettes. They found that e-cigarettes are still addictive, but not as much as people may think. Those who smoked e-cigarettes, also known as vapes, self-reported that they were less likely to consider themselves addicted, have strong cravings, or feel an absolute need for their product.
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"No doubt about it, e-cigarettes are addictive, but not at the same level as traditional cigarettes," lead study author Guodong Liu said in a statement.
In the study, published in the journal Preventive Medicine, the researchers analyzed data from more than 3,500 participants who were part of the Population Assesment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study. About 5% of the participants used e-cigarettes exclusively and the rest exclusively smoked cigarettes. The researchers considered all of the participants dependent on their product because of how often they reported regular use.
One important aspect to note is there were far fewer electronic cigarette smokers in the study than cigarette smokers. Additionally, all of the data on dependence was self-reported. To see if the participants' self-reported dependence is accurate, the researchers plan to analyze their nicotine levels through previously provided blood and urine samples.
Even if vapes may be less addictive, they’re still not considered a healthy alternative to their counterparts. Aside from nicotine, it’s not known exactly what is in vapors; however, extensive research is currently being conducted, especially regarding the use of the products among young people.
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In 2016, the U.S. Surgeon General issued the first report from a federal agency deeming e-cigarette smoking a significant public health problem among the nation’s youth.
“Many questions remain about e-cigarettes and their long-term impact, even as evidence on patterns of use and risks to health continue to emerge. But we know enough about these health risks to take action now to protect the health of our nation’s young people. We cannot wait...Now is the time to take action,” the report concludes.
Additionally, in May 2016, the Food and Drug Administration announced e-cigarettes could no longer be marketed or sold to minors under 18 years old.
“Adolescents very much by nature want to experiment with everything and anything,” Liu said. “We have to know a lot on almost every aspect of this device before we can have a coherent action plan to better manage this new emerging tobacco delivery product.”
To reduce young people’s exposure to e-cigs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends adults do the following: avoid restaurants that allow tobacco products, ensure schools and universities are tobacco-free, make your home tobacco-free, and set an example by sharing why you are currently tobacco-free or why you’re in the process of quitting.
See also: Vaping Health Effects: Dangerous Chemicals Discovered In Flavored E-Cigarette Vapor
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