Early Symptoms Of Pregnancy: 5 Signs You May Be Pregnant Before You Can Take A Test

You’ve had unprotected sex, whether planned or accidental, and now either you or your partner are wondering “could we be pregnant?” Although pregnancy tests are the most accurate way to answer this question, they often don't work until several weeks into the pregnancy. However, there are still early signs of pregnancy; here’s what to look for.
1. A missed period is often the most telling and universal sign of the condition. However, many women do not keep track of their periods or do not have periods regular enough for this factor alone to be enough to tell.
2. On the other hand, according to BabyCenter, irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting could also be a very early sign of pregnancy. This bleeding may be something caused implantation bleeding, which is thought to occur when the fertilized egg settles into the lining of the uterus. It’s observed in about a quarter of all pregnancies, but only about 3 percent of women identify implantation bleeding as the first sign of pregnancy.
3. Although morning sickness usually doesn’t begin until a few months after conception, some women may experience nausea as early as two weeks into the pregnancy, Baby Center reported.
4. In addition, fatigue and easily becoming short of breath can also be very early signs of pregnancy. According to BabyCenter, the extreme fatigue associated with early pregnancy may be a result of increases in the hormone progesterone, which plays a role in inducing sleepiness. Parenting.com reports that shortness of breath may be due to the increased oxygen need for the growing baby, and unforunately, this early sign isn’t one that will fade as the pregnancy continues.
5. More frequent urination than usual may also be an early sign of pregnancy as hormonal changes can cause increased blood flow to the kidneys. This will continue as the pregnancy progresses and the baby continues to put pressure on the bladder.