Miracle Of Life: Watch Baby Born 'En Caul' Break Out Of Amniotic Sac, Take First Breath
The miracle of life really is something to behold, but only if you have the stomach for that sort of thing. A video uploaded to Facebook under the name Jasmine Perez captures the precious moment a baby born stillinside its amniotic sac finally emerges and takes its first breath. As you may already know, the amniotic sac is the bag of fluid inside the womb that serves as the fetus’ home while it develops.

An expecting mother’s “water breaking” indicates the amniotic sac has broken. If the mother opts for a C-section, then the surgeon delivering the newborn would cut through the amniotic sac. “En caul” births, on the other hand, is when the infant is born inside of an unbroken amniotic sac and has to be surgically removed. These types of births are rare — occurring in fewer than 1 in 80,000 births — and are generally considered harmless.
Just last year, Dr. William Scott Binder and his neonatal team at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center delivered Silas Johnson, who was not only delivered at 26 weeks via emergency C-section, but was also born inside his amniotic sac. Silas, like the majority of babies born “en caul,” was premature. Although Binder had enough time to snap a picture of Silas still encased in his amniotic sac, full videos of “en caul” births are few and far between.