Facebook Tells Dad Raising Money For Infant Son's Heart Transplant That His Page Is 'Offensive'
A father in North Carolina is using every method at his disposal to help raise money for his 2-month-old son, Hudson Azera Bond, who is in dire need of a heart transplant and that, of course, means social media. However, when Kevin Bond tried to boost the reach of his community page on Facebook, Hudson’s Heart, not only did the social media site reject his $20 advertising purchase, but it also placed the picture he used of his son in the same category as zombies, ghosts, and dismembered bodies, WTVD reported.
"Facebook thinks my Son is offensive," Bond wrote on the Hudson's Heart Facebook page. "In an effort to get the word out about Hudson I occasionally pay a small amount to boost posts here on Hudson's Heart. Yesterday Facebook refused my $20.00 boost and sent the following: Reason(s): Your ad wasn't approved because the image or video thumbnail is scary, gory, or sensational and evokes a negative response. Images including accidents, car crashes, dead and dismembered bodies, ghosts, zombies, ghouls, and vampires are not allowed."
The picture that did not meet Facebook’s advertisement guidelines shows 2-month-old Hudson on a hospital bed in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit at Duke Children’s Hospital with tubes taped to his nose and stuffed animals at this side. Bond hoped that boosting the Hudson’s Heart Facebook page would help get his family a little closer to their goal of $75,000, which is needed to pay for Hudson’s heart transplant. Thankfully, generous contributors have already helped raise over $29,100 on Hudson’s Children’s Organ Transplant Association page.
“I read Facebook's response on media outlets last night,” Bond said on his most recent Facebook post. “They apologized for the inconvenience this caused my family. Inconvenience was never an issue. Having my beautiful Son compared to dismembered bodies, vampires, zombies, etcetera hurt me, and my family. The ad in question was time sensitive. Reversing their decision days later fixes nothing. Further, the company still hasn't contacted me directly. Had I not read their half hearted apology on the media I'd have no idea it existed.”