Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes: Know All About Military Sleep Technique

Do you take forever to fall asleep? Consider trying a popular sleep technique practiced by the U.S. Army that helps soldiers sleep off in just two minutes, even in a noisy and high-stress environment.
The sleep hack, known by the name "military sleep technique", was developed by Bud Winter, an Olympic sprint coach who describes the technique in his book, "Relax and Win: Championship Performance."
Around 10% of adults in the world suffer from insomnia, a common sleep disorder that causes difficulty in falling asleep and getting a good quality of sleep. Insomnia can affect a person's memory and concentration and raises the long-term risk of developing high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
A person takes an average of 20 minutes to fall asleep, according to William O. Roberts, a professor and former director of the University of Minnesota Medical School's Sports Medicine Program.
Difficulty in sleeping can stem from several factors, including stress, changes in work schedules and dietary habits. Sometimes, it could be a sign of a medical condition such as anxiety, depression, chronic acid reflux and Parkinson's disease. In such cases, it's essential to consult a medical practitioner.
But, if your sleep struggle is temporary, possibly due to stress or a new environment, you could try out the military sleep technique.
Steps to fall asleep with military sleep technique:
1. Take deep breaths - Lie still on your back, relax each muscle and take deep breaths.
2. Relax your face - Relax the muscles on your face, relieving the tension in your jaw and eyebrows.
3. Drop your shoulders - The next step is to relax the muscles of your shoulders, arms and hands.
4. Relax your lower body - After the upper body muscles are relaxed, shift the focus to relaxing the muscles of the chest, abdomen and pelvis down to the thigh, knee, calf, ankle, foot and toes.
5. Clear your mind - Once the body muscles are relaxed, it's time to clear the mind. To calm your mind, you can try visualizing a calming image. If you still feel distracted, repeat the phrase "don't think" for a few seconds.
The effect of the military sleep method may vary for each person. There is no specific research that proves the efficacy or benefits of the technique.
However, it is a sleep technique based on deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation (relaxation of muscles from top to down), both of which have been associated with improved sleep. A 2018 study suggests adopting slow breathing techniques, along with relaxation techniques, as a powerful tool to combat insomnia. Progressive muscle relaxation techniques, deep breathing and guided imagery offer good improvement in relaxation, according to a study published in 2021.