Family Fighting Cancer Has 2 Of 3 Kids Diagnosed With Leukemia

Tragedy came to Lacey and Will Smith of Jacksonville, Fla., when they heard that not just one, but two of their three children were diagnosed with leukemia.
Identical twins Emma and Ella were born premature in 2013, when their older brother Liam, now 5, was diagnosed. The two twins had a triplet sister who passed away in utero, according to a page that was set up for the family. Will and Lacey have had to start over with treatment for Emma after only having a year left of treatment for their son Liam. Nonetheless, the family remains hopeful about Emma’s ability to fight.
“After fetal surgery, 20 weeks of bedrest, an emergency c-section, and weeks in the NICU, this amazing little girl and her family have already been through so much. We all know in our hearts she has it in her to do it again and beat this terrible cancer,” the family wrote in the page.
Now Will and Lacey are caring for two premature babies, one with leukemia, and a son who although is in remission, still has the scary potential to always come back, which is undoubtedly challenging for any set of parents. And the update about Ella, Emma’s identical twin sister who did not get diagnosed with leukemia, has undergone testing with the results coming back cancer free. She will continue to get tested monthly.
Naturally, as the children have to undergo chemotherapy, medical bills have piled on. According to data published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the average cost to stay in the hospital costs nearly $10,000. Thanks to the family setting up the YouCaring page, the family has been able to fund $38,000 of the $100,000 that they are requesting to help Will and Lacey with their medical costs. The page has been shared 12,700 times and commenters have offered free services to the family from free photography sessions to help with their errands. The family has had to deal with much, but is getting by through the support of others.
“We ask that you keep praying and sharing this story. It’s getting some national attention as I have family in Washington, D.C. who saw this story on It’s the sharing and prayers that are helping the Smith family try to figure out their ‘new normal.’ Thanks to everyone reading this, praying and sharing!” Richella Theil, the organizer of the YouCaring page, wrote in an update on the site.