Famous Anorexic Identical Twins Killed in Fire, Fulfilling Prophecy That They Would Die Together

A pair of identical twin sisters from Australia, who became famous through their battle with anorexia, appeared to have fulfilled their prophecy that their lives would end together, with both dying as a result of a house fire Monday night.
Clare and Rachel Wallmeyer, 42, were killed after a fire consumed their home in Geelong, about 47 miles southwest of Melbourne, according to News.com.au.
Firefighters said that they found the twins on the living-room floor of their home and that the blaze was contained in the living room. Authorities are still investigating the fire but they say that preliminary reports of the fire did not indicate of anything suspicious and was possibly caused by a cigarette, according to The Australian newspaper.
Neighbors had alerted the authorities after noticing smoke coming from the twins' apartment in Grovedale, a suburb of Geelong.
Firefighters were able to extinguish the fire quickly, but found that one of the twins was already dead while the other was taken to the hospital, but succumbed to her injuries on Tuesday morning, The Australian reported.
It was a tragic end for the sisters, who have for years publicly said on Australian TV that anorexia would kill them, once even making a pact to waste away to just 55 pounds.
"We live to die," one of the sisters, Rachel, told Australia's "60 Minutes" program in 2004.
"Clare's the only person that remains by my side. And at least we'll die together," said Rachel, who was then at the time of the interview 34 and weighed 71 pounds.
"Being with Rachel ... makes it somewhat easier to die," Clare added.
On the show, the sisters admitted to taking laxatives to lose weight and eating nothing more than a slice of watermelon or a Diet Coke in a day.
The twins, who were compulsive long-distance runners, described themselves as perfectionists in biomedical science and physical education, subjects they studied zealously, side by side.
The twins had developed a severe eating disorder in their early teens, weighing only 61 pounds at the age of 14, and lost even more weight when they became addicted to long-distance running,
They were so obsessed with marathons that they had both suffered stress fractures in their feet, and as they became thinner and frailer over time, so were their bones, according to doctors who said that they had the bone structure of women aged between 70 and 100.
The troubled twins also experienced problems with the law. They had been charged in several cases of drug use and theft, and in 2010 Rachel was charged with attempted murder when she allegedly tried to kill Clare in a fight.
According to News.com.au, both sisters were described as being intoxicated during the fight.
However, the murder charge against Rachel was eventually withdrawn.
When they were asked if anything in life gave them pleasure in the 2004 "60 Minutes" interview, Clare had initially said no.
"A hug," Rachel responded.
"A hug from my sister," Clare had responded.
7News : Anorexic twins die in house fire