Fighting Childhood Obesity: Kids Who Dance Hip Hop Get A Better Workout Than Those Who Do Ballet

Dancing is a great way to get a workout in — but the type of dancing you do has a big impact on how effective the workout is in fighting obesity.
One new study, out of the University of California, San Diego, finds that out of 66 different forms of dance — including jazz, ballet, flamenco, salsa, and swing dancing — hip hop came first in providing kids with the best rigorous-to-moderate physical activity. As a result, the authors conclude, hip hop is the best option for your kids — if you’re trying to get them moving more than they currently are.
The recommended daily amount of exercise for children and adolescents is about an hour of moderate-to-vigorous activity, according to the CDC, but most American kids get way less than that.
“People are very aware of the obesity epidemic but not as concerned as they should be about the low levels of activity in our country,” James Sallis, an author of the study and a distinguished professor of family and preventive medicine at the University of California, San Diego, told Time. In particular, girls get less exercise than boys, so the researchers wanted to see how effective dancing was as a potential outlet for young ladies.
Sallis and his co-authors studied 264 girls in two different age ranges, 5 to 10 years old and 11 to 18 years old, and measured the intensity of physical activity using an accelerometer. There were some 66 dance classes taken, including ballet, jazz, hip-hop, flamenco, salsa, tap dancing, swing, and ballroom. The researchers found that only eight percent of children (aged 5 to 10) and six percent of adolescents (aged 11 to 18) received the recommended amount of physical activity per day.
It was hip hop that was the most rigorous dancing, with 57 percent of the class focused on moderate-to-vigorous activity. Jazz, surprisingly, took second place — and ballet came close to last, with only 30 percent of the class involved in moderate-to-vigorous activity. On average, kids partook in only about 17 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per dance class overall.
As a result, Sallis and his team argue that dance instructors should work on making their classes more rigorous to help kids meet the CDC’s recommended daily amount of physical activity — especially for girls, who are lagging in the amount of exercise they receive.
“Dance is a golden opportunity to contribute to the health of girls while they’re enjoying moving and being with their friends and building their physical competence and all the other things that dance does,” Sallis told Time.
So there you have it: Whether for adolescents or for your own health, choose a dance class that’s going to be effective in getting your daily amount of physical activity in.
Source: Cain K, Gavand K, Conway T, Peck E, Bracy N, Bonilla E. Physical Activity in Youth Dance Classes. Pediatrics. 2015.