Fish oil might not have similar health effects on humans as on animals
We all know that the fish oil you take often protects your heart from strokes. A recent study on animals reveal that the more fish oil in the body reduces risks of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers say the same might not have similar effects on human beings.
Dr. Joseph Quinn, a neurologist at Oregon Health and Science University, studied 300 volunteers. Some of them had Alzheimer’s and some others served as research participants. He found that fish oil supplements did not have same effects on humans, as on animals.
“I really thought we were going to have a modest effect on the rate of progression of the disease, and the fact that we didn't see any effect was definitely disappointing. But Alzheimer's is a tough nut to crack,” said Quinn.
The reason fish oil may not have the same effect on humans could be due to the introduction of fish oil supplements at a later age.
Researchers are now trying to find how effective DHA is in preventing cells from generating the protein. Newer studies have noted that DHA may work as a clearing agent. Quinn hopes to undertake much detailed studies very soon.