A Texas woman retained no memory of giving birth to triplets, including the 48 to 72 hours leading up to the delivery, after being clinically dead for about 45 minutes post-birth.
Although experts have conflicting views on this surprising finding, the researchers hope their study will help doctors and patients make informed choices when making treatment decisions.
With over two decades under her belt, Wellness Coach Karen Corona is not just a practitioner but a testament to the transformative power of expressive arts.
Researchers have developed smart earrings that could continuously monitor a person's earlobe temperature. The innovation known as Thermal Earring could also be potentially used to track signs of ovulation, stress, eating, and exercise.
In a recent interview, the 41-year-old retired basketball legend revealed that a check-up, prompted by his father's history of prostate cancer, led to the discovery that subtle signs in his body were early warning signals of cancer.
This No Smoking Day, you can kick-start your journey to a smoke-free life by recognizing the common withdrawal symptoms and learning strategies to cope with cravings.
Researchers who reviewed 21 cases of adverse effects linked to the popular drink warn parents that they can trigger a toxic syndrome, causing loss of consciousness and a sudden drop in blood sugar levels.
Diagnosed with a life-threatening blood clot in both lungs, 33-year-old content creator is now raising awareness about a deadly condition linked to prolonged sitting.
It’s reported that up to 70% of the population have sensitive skin. More alarming, allergies and skin sensitivities are known to affect millions of patients taking prescriptions every year.
Human beings are not the only species to engage in a homosexual lifestyle. In the wild there are an array of animals that enagage in an alternative lifstyle. Take a look of just a few gay animals who live freely in the world.
Guianan Cocks are widely known as the face of Guyana, however what many do not know is that 40 percent of the male population participates in homosexual activity, and a small percentage don't ever mate with females. Flickr/Almir Cândido de AlmeidGray whales are one of the animal kingdom's greatest nomads, traveling in groups called pods. They are also homosexual creatures. They participate some pretty wet orgies, including five males at a time. They roll around, splash water and rub their bellies against each other so that their genitals are touching. REUTERS/Henry RomeroSwans are birds from the Anatidae family. About 20 percent of Swans are part of a homosexual couple. Almost 25 percent of all families are parented by homosexual couples that stay together for years. At times homosexual swans drive away heterosexual couples from their nests and adopt their eggs. Flickr/ madmcmojoWidely known as the genus of old monkeys, both male and female macaques participate in homosexual encounters. Female macaques form intense bonds with each other and are serially monogamous. However, they have several of these relationships during each breeding season. When female macaques engage in sexual intercourse, such as genital stimulation they vocalize their joy in forms of cackling sounds. Male macaque homosexual experiences are usually what we humans describe as a "one night stand."Flickr/ Matty BishwamConsidered the closest living animal similar to human beings, bonobos are not shy about sexual pleasure. Virtually, all of the bonobos are bisexual and often resolve conflict by the "make love, not war" slogan. They mate frequently, screaming out in joy while doing so, and often engage in homosexual activities. About two-thirds of female bonobos participate in homosexual encounters. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic