'Fizzy Yoga' Reinvigorates Kim Cattrall: Sex And The City Actress Says It 'Saved Her Life'
Just as bikram yoga ensconces itself within America’s collective conscious, the burgeoning practice of “fizzy yoga” offers the consumer class a new twist on ancient Vedic technology.
Looking fossilized at an age earlier than her 56 years, Sex and the City star Kim Cattrall says she has become enamored with the physiotherapy regimen, which combines meditative breathing and movements with yoga poses. “As I get older, I find that cardio is less important to me,” Cattrall told The London Times. “What I want to do is intense stretching.”
The actress says the physiotherapy program poses less risk of injury than “regular yoga” with instructors unversed in “the way of the body.” But like many yoga practitioners, Cattrall praised her teacher with cultish enthusiasm, crediting London-based instructor Helen O’Neil with “saving her life.”
In her mid-50s, Cattrall starred in Tennessee Williams’ Sweet Bird of Youth for three months in London this summer, suffering a sore right knee with “bruises bigger than a professional snowboarder” — which is when she discovered the new treatment. “I think Helen’s really got her finger on something that women my age can use to make our lives pain-free,” she said.
So Cattrall took her passion for yoga to a level that many American practitioners would envy. She invited her New York-based yoga instructor Diana Zotos to fly to London to meet O’Neil, for a meeting of the minds. Not since the jazzercise craze of the 1980s has Cattrall been this wound up about something, she said.
Although this particular combination of yoga and physical therapy may seem parochial to anyone outside London or New York City, recent scientific studies published in the Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy support the efficacy of joining movement with posture. In a biomechanics study published in July, Brazilian researchers found evidence suggesting that weight training alone was insufficient to correct muscle imbalances with regard to knee problems — indicating that a neurological adaption must also be part of the correction.
Such neurological changes in therapy may be brought by yoga, in addition to routines personalized for the individual.
Below is a video explaining the "science of yoga":