Florida Teen Who Died Of COVID-19 Attended Large Church Gathering Before Falling Sick
Carsyn Leigh Davis, a 17-year-old girl from Fort Myers, recently attended a large church function where she didn’t practice social distancing nor wear a face mask. Unfortunately, this led to her catching the coronavirus. And as per the medical examiner, her parents gave her a dose of hydroxychloroquine in the days leading up to her death.
In a now-deleted Facebook post made by her mother, Carole Brunton Davis, the girl had been fighting health issues since the age of 2 years old, which included an autoimmune disorder and even cancer.
Per the Miami-Dade County medical examiner’s report, Carsyn and some other 100 children attended church last June 10. However, it wasn’t clear where exactly she contracted the virus. Come June 13, however, she developed a mild cough, sinus pressure and frontal headache, which were initially dismissed as a sinus infection. But her symptoms persisted even after a week, which led to her mother giving her oxygen through her grandfather's portable machine and a dose of hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug that President Donald Trump suggested could be effective against the coronavirus.
She was then taken to the hospital by her mother and stepfather before eventually getting transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit of another one. From there, she was diagnosed to be positive with coronavirus. She was transferred to a Miami-Dade County hospital where she died at 1:06 p.m. June 23, just a mere two days after her 17th birthday.
"It is heartbreaking that a young lady who frequently attended Youth Church over the past few years has recently passed away. The church, and many members of Youth Church particularly, had reached out to her family and her during her illness, praying for her and sending video messages and personal encouragement while she was going through her illness and in the hospital," the church she attended said.