German Teen's Fingernails Are Nearly 6 Inches Long: Health Risks Of This Popular Style Trend
A German teen has made headlines recently for her impressively long fingernails. Simone Taylor, 16, of Nuremberg has not cut her nails in three years, and they are now nearly 6 inches long. The nails are so long that Taylor can no longer write or play sports, but there may also be some health concerns to having such long talons.
Taylor last cut her fingernails in August 2014 and doesn’t plan on trimming them anytime soon, The Sun reported. Taylor has described her need to grow out her nails as an addiction, and even though the talons have caused her gym grades to plummet since she can no longer play sports, the teen still refuses to trim her nails.
Read: Healthy Fingernails: How Long Can Your Fingernails Grow?
In a recent interview with The Sun, Taylor explained some of the hardships of living with such long nails.
“Cleaning my teeth and using the toilet aren’t a problem,” Taylor told The Sun. “Funnily enough, a lot of people ask the toilet question when they see my nails for the first time. Showering is a bit more difficult. Sometimes my nails get caught in my hair, so I have to be extra careful.”
Taylor’s nails have earned her international fame, and she’s even won an online contest for having long natural nails. In order to keep them up, Taylor goes through at least two bottles of nail polish remover, cuticle oil, and hand cream every month. In addition, it takes about three hours to paint them.
While the nails may be an acquired aesthetic, there may be health consequences to having such long nails. According to The BBC, fingernails harbor more bacteria than any other part of the hand. Specifically, an area under the nails called the subungual region creates the ideal environment for sustaining and growing bacteria. According to the BBC, the longer the nails the more of these bacteria they may harbour, as fingernail length can interfere with handwashing effectiveness.
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