Health benefits of cinnamon
Cinnamon has been considered as both a spice and medicine for a long time now, and has been readily available throughout the year in two forms, Ceylon and Chinese, of which the former is slightly sweeter.
However, as we have moved from simpler times to an age of science and reason, studies have shown that there are several health benefits in adding cinnamon to the foods that you eat on a daily basis:
Benefit #1: For those with Type 2 Diabetes, consuming cinnamon can keep your blood sugar levels under control.
Benefit #2: In matters of heart health, studies have shown that half-a-teaspoon of cinnamon can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Benefit #3: According to researchers at the United States Department of Agriculture, cinnamon has an inhibiting effect on diseases such as lymphoma and leukemia, as it is able to stop the continuous development of these cancer cells.
Benefit #4: Cinnamon has also been found to provide significant relief to patients with arthritis pain. They were given a mixture of half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast, which relieved the pain in one week while also enabling the patients to walk without pain after taking this mixture for one month.
Benefit #5: When it comes to yeast infections, cinnamon has the ability to stop these infections, especially if they are of the medicine-resistant types.
Benefit #6: In another study, smelling cinnamon improves memory and cognitive function.
Benefit #7: According to researchers at the Kansas State University, it has been found that cinnamon is able to fight E. coli bacteria present in unpasteurized juices.
Benefit #8: Apart from its medicinal uses, cinnamon has been found to prevent food spoilage as it is able to stop bacterial growth, making it a natural preservative.
Benefit #9: Additionally, cinnamon has been found to have an anti-clotting effect on blood.