A Texas woman retained no memory of giving birth to triplets, including the 48 to 72 hours leading up to the delivery, after being clinically dead for about 45 minutes post-birth.
Although experts have conflicting views on this surprising finding, the researchers hope their study will help doctors and patients make informed choices when making treatment decisions.
The 48-year-old from California was diagnosed with Anti-NMDA Encephalitis, also known as "Brain on Fire" disease, an auto-immune condition where the body attacks the brain.
With over two decades under her belt, Wellness Coach Karen Corona is not just a practitioner but a testament to the transformative power of expressive arts.
Researchers have developed smart earrings that could continuously monitor a person's earlobe temperature. The innovation known as Thermal Earring could also be potentially used to track signs of ovulation, stress, eating, and exercise.
It’s reported that up to 70% of the population have sensitive skin. More alarming, allergies and skin sensitivities are known to affect millions of patients taking prescriptions every year.
Sweet, savory, hot, cold: No matter how it's served, food is far more than just a source of energy. It nourishes us spiritually, and a good meal can be a beautiful communal experience that creates lifelong memories.
But sometimes food is the enemy. Eating the wrong type of things—and too much of them—has fueled America's obesity epidemic. Defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as having a Body Mass Index of 30.0 or higher, obesity has been identified as a major factor in diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.
The statistics make grim reading:
•38 percent of American adults are considered obese, according to a study from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
•The CDC reports that the rate of children with obesity has tripled since the 1970s.
•An obese person will spend $1,429 more annually on health care costs, the CDC reports.
•The same report found that $147 billion is spent nationwide on preventable chronic diseases and associated costs each year.
The government has responded with a slew of programs, like Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign, which aimed to get children more physically active and give them access to healthier food options. But the crisis isn't abating. “We haven’t turned the tide. If anything, rates are continuing to climb upwards,” Dr. David Ludwig of Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health told the New York Times.
Most people know being overweight is unhealthy, Dr. James Krieger, a professor of medicine at the University of Washington, told the Times. “But just telling people there’s a problem doesn’t solve it."
What can help is knowing more about what goes into a healthy diet. We’ve compiled a list of 25 foods that that can help you lose weight (and hopefully keep it off). Put down that cheeseburger and slide through to find out what you should be eating instead.
FruitHave you ever heard someone say, “Be careful, fruit has a ton of sugar in it.” Sure, these annoying people are technically correct, fruit does have sugar, but if you’re choice is between a candy bar or a banana, go with the banana. Also, they pack a ton of fiber, which, as we know, is necessity for weight loss. Cottage CheeseCottage cheese is one of only two dairy products to make the list, much to the disdain of cheese lovers. It’s high in protein, a staple of the food people need to lose weight. It’s also fairly low in calories and fat, a bonus. Another bonus to cottage cheese is it’s high in calcium. How does that help you lose weight? Well, studies show calcium helps speed up the fat-burning process. AvocadosYou’ve probably heard that avocados are good for you because of their “healthy fats.” You know what? You’ve heard right. They contain mostly monounsaturated oleic acid, also found in olive oil, which is great for your heart (and your gut). They also have a lot of water. So add em to salads or smoothies and you’ll get full real quick. Another bonus to avocados? It’s the magic word to this slideshow: fiber. That’s right, they’re packed with fiber and potassium. Did you know that asparagus can make your urine as stinky as rotten cabbage?A lot of people avoid asparagus because it makes their urine smell funky. This is because of a compound called mercaptan. It’s unavoidable, but don’t avoid asparagus because of this, it’s weight loss benefits outweigh any of the smelly side effects.NutsOk sure, nuts have a lot of fat. But their high levels of fat is nothing compared to their high levels of protein. And much of their fat is actually good for you. Just be mindful of how much you’re eating. Studies show that populations high in nut consumption around the world are actually healthier and leaner. Let’s get nutty! Chicken BreastChicken has been a staple of diets for a long time. Chicken breasts are lean, low in fat, and packed with protein, all things dieters require to drop the pounds. Going on a protein fast once a week can enable a process called autophagy that cleans out dead cells and repairs the body, boosting immunity. Chili PepperIf you’re into spicy food, then you’re in luck: adding chili pepper to your food is a great way to speed up the weight loss. Capsaicin is a substance found in chili pepper that has been shown to burn fat and reduce appetite. Fun Fact: Chili pepper is found in many weight loss supplements. But when buying or making soups, keep in mind to go in the water-based direction, not the creamy direction. Also, go for low-sodium, as soups high in sodium can lead to bloating. Multiple studies show that populations where fruit and vegetable consumption is high are actually healthier and live longer. GrapefruitEver heard of the grapefruit diet? There’s a reason why it was so popular. It has components that speed up the metabolism, and are packed with a ton of other nutrients that compliment your overall health. A study of obese adults found that eating half a grapefruit before a meal resulted in a weight loss of 3.5 pounds over a 12 week period. Coconut OilOf all the oils (olive, avocado, etc.), coconut oil is a great option. Fatty acids in coconut oil boost your bodies response to feeling full and increase the amount of calories burned. A thing to keep in mind with coconut oil: it’s highly caloric. So don’t add coconut oil to a diet with other oils, replace it with the oils you usually use. Full-fat YogurtYogurt is only the second (and last) dairy item on this list. Why? It’s not because it’s low in calories, or has fiber, or any of the other reasons many of the food on this list offer to dieters. It’s because it’s good for your gut. Yep, those probiotics found in yogurt do wonders for your gut, protecting you against inflammation and leptin resistance, which are big hormonal factors of obesity. Adding yogurt to your smoothies or any number of dishes (like ones that require sour cream) is a great way to boost your protein. Sunflower and Pumpkin SeedsSeeds are so, so good for you. Seeds are packed with immune-boosting nutrients, most especially zinc. They’re also packed with fiber and protein, and are low in calories. So snack on. But don’t go crazy adding lots of options to make the seeds more flavorful. A little salt will do you just fine, and you’ll avoid packing on the pounds. Coffee and TeaThere’s a reason why caffeine is a big component in most over the counter diet pills. Sure it boosts your energy, giving you that extra kick of motivation to move, but it also does one very important thing: it gets your body moving that food through your system, speeding up your metabolism. But don’t go crazy on coffee or tea. Two cups a day is fine. And skip the sugar (sorry). Not only are orange veggies low in calories, they have properties that are known to combat bloating. Who loves to look bloated? That’s right, nobody. An 8 week study by U.K. researchers found that eggs for breakfast boosted your chances of losing weight compared to other breakfast items, like bagels, cereal, and toast. Leafy GreensThese include spinach, kale, Swiss chards and collards. They are low in carbs and calories. How do they help you lose weight? The fiber. It fills you up and makes you less hungry. Data from various studies found that people with high fiber diets of leafy greens and other vegetables have, over their lifetimes, lower rates of obesity. SalmonSalmon is one of the best types of fish to eat to lose weight. It’s loaded with nutrients, including iodine, which helps your thyroid, a vital part of what makes your metabolism work and thus keep you healthy. It’s also filled with healthy fats and most important, quality protein. Multiple studies show people aren’t getting enough iodine in their diets. By adding some salmon to your diet, it’ll do you, and your waistline, good. OatmealOatmeal is a power food, that’s for sure. The soluble fiber in it keeps you full, while the carbs give you the energy you need in the morning. But make sure you’re eating old fashioned oats or steel cut. The quick oats have been processed so much, many of the health benefits have been been stripped away. Also, the packaged quick oats are often loaded with sugar, which just packs on the pounds. Cruciferous VegetablesCruciferous is a fancy word for vegetables we all know (and should love): brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. They’re packed with fiber, which is great, but the surprising thing about these vegetables is that they also contain protein. You know what else is exciting about cruciferous vegetables? They’re cancer-fighting veggies. These vegetables contain isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol, which studies have shown to be a natural cancer-fighting component. Lean BeefLike eggs, beef used to get a bad rap, with little data to back it up. Processed meat like hamburger isn’t great for you, but unprocessed, lean, red meat not only does not raise your risk for heart disease like previously thought, but actually can help you lose weight thanks to the high amounts of protein in it. There’s even a bonus for those on a low-carb diet: you can eat fatty red meat. However, if you’re watching your fat intake, stick to lean beef. Orange VeggiesAll those yummy orange vegetables like pumpkin, butternut squash and sweet potatoes are packed with a ton of healthy nutrients made for people looking to drop the pounds. They’re low in calories and full of potassium.EggsRemember when eggs were considered bad for you because of cholesterol? Based on many studies disproving this outdated information, eggs have once again come to be regarded as one of the healthiest foods you can eat, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. They’re high in protein, low in calories and full of healthy fats. Here are 14 of the best chia seeds to add to your diet.Even though no data has shown that the fiber in chia seeds actually makes you full, all that fiber plus the countless other nutrients found in chia seeds makes it a great food for a healthy lifestyle. Boiled PotatoesNow before you get too excited, this doesn’t mean you can start living off mashed potatoes (although that would be fun). Boiled potatoes is exactly that, just boiled, not the butter and cream that make mashed potatoes so yummy. Now that we’ve given you the bad news, here’s the good news: white, boiled potatoes are high in potassium, great for your overall health. After you’ve boiled the potatoes, once they cool they naturally form large amounts of starch, a fiber-like substance that will fill you up and keep you from craving the snacks. Whole GrainsWhen it comes to breads (which includes pasta and rice), a good rule to follow is more brown, less white. You want things like wheat bread, pasta, brown rice and quinoa. Whole grains have a good amount of starch to satiate you, curbing hunger that can sometimes follow eating processed grains found in white bread. Be sure to get actual whole grain products, and not just ones that say it on the label. Many “whole grain” products are actually just filled with refined grains that won’t do you much good. TunaTuna is another great lean fish to eat to lose weight. There isn’t much fat in it, making it a great low-calorie option for dieters. Another fun fact about tuna is that it’s popular among bodybuilders and models, which should be enough proof that it’s a great skinny person food. But if you’re eating it from the can, get the one canned in water, not oil.Beans and LegumesBeans are controversial, with reason. On one hand they are packed with protein and fiber, great for those on a diet. But they also can upset many peoples stomachs (and make them not-so-popular in small settings without proper ventilation). But if you have an understanding family standing far enough down wind, then beans are great for you.Stick to black beans, lentils and kidney beans, those are the best for fiber and protein. SoupsSoups are a great food to eat to lose weight. Many times dieters feel like they have few options when it comes to diet food, but soups come in a ton of varieties. From meat heavy soups to only vegetables, just adding water and a little salt to your food is a great low-calorie way to drop the pounds.